As many as 50% of all species on Earth are heading towards extinction* by 2050.
99% of currently threatened species are at risk due to human activities*.
Camps International's conservation projects have helped protect 100,000 hectares of wilderness in seven of the world’s biodiversity hotspots.
* WWF.org, 2016
Global biodiversity is being lost much faster than the natural rate of extinction due to changes in land use, over-exploitation of natural resources, climate change and pollution. This is not just disastrous for animals but also for our own continued survival, as at least 40% of the world’s economy and 80% of the needs of the poor are derived from biological resources.
Our conservation projects are located in six of the world’s biodiversity hotspots where we can make the most significant difference to the most vulnerable species. We strive to empower local communities to conserve their wild spaces and achieve long term sustainable management of natural resources.
Habitat destruction is the primary cause of species extinction worldwide and is happening at an unprecedented rate. Forests cover 30% of the Earth's land area but are home to around 80% of its terrestrial species. This means that thousands of species are threatened with extinction every year, many of them before they have even been discovered.
Most of our conservation work involves protecting, managing and restoring essential habitats for endangered species such as elephants, rhinos, bears, big cats, primates, including critically endangered orangutans and marine life. Projects include improving wildlife water holes, enhancing wildlife habitat and reforesting damaged areas with native trees. Our agroforestry initiatives also help prevent further habitat loss by providing a sustainable source of wood for communities.
As human populations increase, more people are forced to migrate into rural areas, bringing them into increasing contact with wildlife. Animals are forced into smaller and more fragmented habitats, leading to an increase in conflict as humans and wildlife compete for limited resources such as space, food and water.
The consequences of human wildlife conflict are often devastating. People lose their crops, livestock, property and sometimes even their lives. The animals, many of which are already endangered, are killed in retaliation or to ‘prevent’ future conflicts.
This situation has also led to an increase in over-exploitation of animals such as poaching, over fishing and the illegal pet trade.
We're working to mitigate human wildlife conflict by maintaining roads for anti-poaching patrols, helping farmers protect their crops by creating elephant deterrents, and running regular environmental education workshops. We aim to change attitudes and perceptions towards wildlife, and offer better income alternatives to communities instead of poaching or other illegal activities.