1 in 4 people in sub-Saharan Africa are undernourished and children are the most vulnerable. It’s estimated that malnutrition causes 3.1 million child deaths annually around the world.*
We’re working with local communities to provide lasting solutions to food shortages and encourage self-sufficiency.
* World Hunger, 2015
Poverty is the principle cause of hunger and worryingly, rural poverty is on the rise. Simply put, people cannot afford to purchase enough food. Around 800 million people in developing countries currently do not have enough food to eat and because under-nutrition magnifies the effects of every disease, this is a major cause of mortality among rural populations.
These problems are further compounded by climate change, where the effects of global warming are felt most acutely in the poorest regions of the world. Serious environmental challenges such as erosion, desertification, deforestation, drought and water shortages all result in reducing agricultural productivity and food availability.
We’ve funded a number of school feeding programmes in Kenya and Tanzania. These are often government initiatives that lack adequate funding but are vitally important, ensuring that young children receive at least one meal a day.
Camps International are working with communities to help improve the productivity of their land by controlling soil erosion, establishing flood prevention measures and introducing innovative farming techniques and strategic tree planting to improve soil quality.
Many of the people we work with are subsistence farmers who depend on livestock and crops for survival. Camps International has supported local farmers by building livestock enclosures, and running regular livestock welfare clinics to improve animal welfare and boost food production in an ethical way.
Permaculture is the development of agricultural ecosystems that are intended to be sustainable and self-sufficient. Currently, Camps International are running several permaculture initiatives in Asia and South America, where they are providing training on the philosophies and techniques of permaculture. These are then applied to small community farms and organic gardens.