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Orangutans are one of our closest cousins, sharing more than 97% of our DNA. Yet we are failing them. Deforestation for logging to make way for oil palm and acacia plantations has meant that previously inaccessible areas are now open to hunters and poachers who are killing orangutans at an unprecedented rate. It’s estimated that the number of orangutans left in Borneo has more than halved in the last decade and they need our help.


This critical gift will enable us to replace 1 square kilometre of vital orangutan habitat, helping to secure the future of these amazing animals before it’s too late.

Replace 1 square kilometre of Orangutan home

  • Downloading and presenting your gift certificate

    Once your payment has been confirmed, you will receive a link to download your gift certificate in the Thank You page of the checkout, along with an emailed link that will last for 30 days.


    The file will be in pdf format. This can then either be sent to your chosen recipient via email, or for a more personal touch we suggest printing your certificate and popping it into a personalised greeting card.


    If you do choose to print, please choose A5 size for best results.

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