Kilimanjaro Wildlife Conservation


This 11,000-acre ranch is one of the most biologically important habitats in Tanzania, where wildlife can still roam relatively freely over large areas. Its location provides an essential wildlife corridor between Amboseli and Arusha National Parks. The ranch is a permanent home to over 65 species of mammal including elephant, zebra, giraffe, wildebeest and mountain reedbuck, as well as 350 species of birds. Cheetahs and lions are often seen within the ranch.
Our projects support the ongoing activities of the ranch, promoting self-sustaining conservation that balances the needs of the wildlife and local communities. Around 300 Maasai live in and around the ranch and human wildlife conflict can escalate when larger animals stray out of the reserve. We're improving the landscape for the benefit of wildlife and also supporting the local primary school to promote environmental awareness.